4 unhealthy habits that make mattresses dirty

4 unhealthy habits that make mattresses dirty

Most individuals spend a lot of time in bed and use it to sleep, read books, watch TV while munching food, and spend time with their partner. With so much time spent in bed, it is prudent to keep the mattress clean. After all, no one wants to sleep in a dirty, unmade bed. Dirty mattresses can cause a host of health issues. So, here are a few habits to avoid that make mattresses dirty.

1. Not washing sheets regularly
Bed sheets and mattresses have ample skin cell deposits, pet dander, and environmental dust. These deposits can further lead to bacterial and fungal growth when not cleaned. To avoid this complication, washing the sheets at least once a week is important. Additionally, people should use mattress covers that add an extra layer of protection for the mattress. These can be removed and washed regularly to prolong the mattress’s durability and prevent it from getting dirty.

2. Putting bags on the bed
Bringing in shopping, luggage, or any other bags that have traveled through different surfaces or environments and putting them on the bed is a big no-no. It is a convenient option; however, it is a very unhealthy one. Instead, place them on some other surface. Dust, dirt, bacteria, and contaminants can transfer from the bag’s surface into the mattress, compromising the person’s sleep environment. Instead, place the bags on the floor, in a cabinet, or on an empty shelf in the closet.

3. Eating in bed
Watching TV in bed also means people laze around snacking and eating in bed. It is tempting, and many tend to give in to it. However, it is also a common unhealthy habit that gradually turns the mattress dirty. Eating in bed gives access to crumbs and bits of food that enter the crevices of the bed and compromise the mattress’s hygiene. It may spoil and even give out some foul odor after some time. Additionally, fallen crumbs in the bed can invite bugs and insects that bring along various diseases.

4. Shoes on bed
Bringing shoes into the bedroom increases the chances of exposing the mattress and other bed essentials to harmful microbes. Shoes carry dirt, grime, and bacteria from public transport, restrooms, and other potentially contagious places. Many people bring these shoes carrying dirt and contagious germs into their bedrooms and rest on their beds. It is a sure way of ensuring that the mattress turns into a home for contagious infections.

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