5 common mistakes to avoid while using trash bags at home

5 common mistakes to avoid while using trash bags at home

Trash bags are essential as they help make garbage disposal easier and more efficient. With a trash bag in place, one no longer needs to worry about properly cleaning the trash can daily. Additionally, dealing with garbage odor is easier. That said, trash bags can end up increasing the workload when not used the right way. To ensure that does not happen, here are some common trash bag usage mistakes to avoid.

Choosing the wrong type
Different colors of trash bags have different purposes. These are used to properly segregate different types of wastes like biodegradable waste, medical waste, hazardous disposables, and recyclables. When people do not dispose of their waste properly, it can cause serious environmental problems when harmful chemicals and medical wastes are left in landfills and start leaching into the ground. Segregating this waste can help in proper management and keep the landfills from further contributing to pollution.

Leaving it unsecured
Irrespective of the size of the trash bag being used, it can slip to the bottom of the can. Imagine having to fetch the bag and place it back properly every time someone throws something in the garbage can. At times, throwing something in with force might even mean the bag can suffer a tear. Again, this leads to spills that can be annoying to deal with repeatedly. Therefore, to use the trash bag more efficiently, it is important to secure it with binder clips or command hooks.

Forgetting to check the size
One of the most common mistakes people tend to make is selecting the wrong size of trash bags. The rule here is not one size fits all. People need to consider the size of their trash cans before picking up the roll of trash bags. If the bag is not the right size, it can let the trash slip out and end up on the floor or at the bottom of the trash can. On the other hand, a smaller bag wouldn’t hold up in the can or rip apart when being secured over the rim.

Leaving the bag unsealed
If the bag is left unsealed, it can make way for leaks. Imagine leaving behind a trail of garbage when taking out the trash. It also leaves more possibility of foul odor and spills in the kitchen. It is suggested to seal the bag before taking out the garbage. If the garbage bag does not have drawstrings, try using tape, ties, or bands to seal the trash bag shut. If a bag is left open even when full, it can start attracting insects. Securing the bag can prevent numerous problems.

Going for a price-saving option
When buying trash bags, people don’t want to save as much money as possible. However, choosing quantity over quality can be a grave mistake. In the long run, the only winner is the one who chooses quality over quantity. The problem with cheap trash bags is that they can easily suffer tears. It can negate the purpose of placing trash bags in the trash can. No one wants to spend their time repeatedly cleaning the can because of the spills.

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