5 household items that are linked with cancer

5 household items that are linked with cancer

The prime cause of cancer is unknown, but studies associate constant exposure to certain chemical components with an increased risk of developing the condition. Statistics indicate that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the country, next to heart disease. Some risk factors are more prominent, like inherited flawed genes, radiation exposure, and unhealthy lifestyle habits. But here are some unsuspecting things surrounding us that may add to the problem .

Hair straightener
Chemical hair straighteners and relaxers contain harmful chemicals like parabens, bisphenol A, metals, or formaldehyde. According to experts, these chemicals may increase the risk of developing uterine cancer. These chemicals get more easily absorbed into the scalp. According to research, using straighteners has been linked to an increased risk of hormone-related cancers in women.

Talcum powder
Talc, a mineral mainly used in making talcum powder, is mined from the earth. In its natural form, the substance contains asbestos, a carcinogen strongly linked to different cancers. Talc miners, for instance, who are exposed to it for a long time may be at risk of lung cancer. Alternatively, women using talc near the private parts may be at risk of developing ovarian cancer. Asbestos-free talc can be a relatively safer option.

Grill smoke
Grill smoke from summer barbecues may pose a risk. Studies indicate that people hanging around the grill for a long time might absorb polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) via their skin. These chemicals are released upon burning charcoal or wood and are recognized carcinogens. An individual tends to absorb PAHs through their skin rather than inhalation. A mask and proper covering may lower the risk of developing cancer because of grill smoke.

Air fresheners
Air fresheners may claim to get rid of bad scents and toxic gas, but studies indicate that, more often than not, the air fresheners contain Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. Besides cancer, overexposure to air fresheners may contribute to various health issues, including hormonal imbalance and asthma. Using essential oils as natural air fresheners is an excellent alternative to commercial air fresheners.

Non-stick cookware
Non-stick cookware starts to break down at the molecular level when it comes in contact with heat and releases chemicals and fluoride-based gases, most of which are cancer-causing. One can opt for glass or ceramic cookware instead of non-stick ones since they don’t emit toxic fumes.

Some informed consumers have also filed lawsuits against some of these available products, which increase cancer risk in individuals. Being a conscious and vigilant consumer is important as these personal choices can cause potential harm to yourself or your loved ones.

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