6 warning signs of depression one must know of

6 warning signs of depression one must know of

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a constant feeling of sadness and a loss of interest. It is among the world’s most common mental health conditions to occur in individuals where more than 8% of the country’s adult population is affected by it. The symptoms of depression are severe, with intense signs that may include significant changes in an individual’s appetite, sleep, and overall health. Here are a few other symptoms to not miss:

Increased fatigue
Fatigue is a sign of various physical and mental health conditions. However, when the fatigue persists and is not accompanied by other physical symptoms, it can be attributed to depression. Low energy levels and high fatigue levels are some of the most commonly occurring warning signs of depression.

Lack of focus
Another warning sign of depression is the inability to focus, which can significantly impact a person’s daily routine and prevent them from completing tasks that would otherwise be relatively easy. Mundane activities such as paying attention in class or meetings, finishing homework, completing necessary chores, or reading a book can require tremendous effort. Regardless of the source of this lack of focus, it could be a warning sign of developing depression.

Social isolation and withdrawal
If someone is repeatedly declining invitations to social events or gatherings, it could indicate that they are beginning to experience depression. This could be a lack of interest in attending such events or ignoring invitations from loved ones even when asked multiple times. As a result of this social isolation, their friendships and relationships may begin to suffer. The individuals may not recognize these changes, but those around them may notice the signs.

Indifferent about hygiene and appearance
Hygiene practices like brushing teeth, combing hair, showering, or clipping nails are developed habits. This also means most of these practices do not necessarily require extra effort. People with depression, however, might not feel the same. To them, even the basic activities or practices can demand a lot of effort and can feel overwhelming. Taking care of oneself and following good hygiene practices can be difficult for depression patients. However, neglecting hygiene and care can lead to aggravation of symptoms like being socially isolated and further cause withdrawal from day-to-day activities.

Mood swings
Experiencing irritability and having a short temper can be an initial indication of depression in individuals. Even the slightest things can cause intense spikes of irritability, which may completely alter the course of one’s day. When attempting to operate an appliance, a person may become agitated and annoyed, resulting from other comparable situations.

Sleep disturbances
Sleep is essential to maintaining a person’s mental, emotional, and physical health. It is believed that a lack of proper sleep is among the most common indicators of depression. Moreover, studies suggest approximately 80% of people with depression experience episodes of insomnia. Some patients may even find it difficult to fall asleep, while others can wake up too early. In addition to insomnia, certain individuals may even exhibit the presence of hypersomnia, which refers to excessive sleepiness. In either situations, one must consult a healthcare professional if this persists for long.

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