7 rookie mistakes pickup truck drivers should avoid

7 rookie mistakes pickup truck drivers should avoid

Pickup trucks are vehicles widely preferred by businesses thanks to their hauling and towing capabilities. Many leading automakers have designed a dizzying variety of pickup trucks equipped with modern technology. However, maintaining this vehicle can be a costly affair if not done right. Truck drivers can make certain rookie mistakes while on the road at the start of their careers. Since truck driving demands maximum concentration, such mistakes can cost them more.

Overloading the cargo
Pickup trucks come with varying cargo or load capacities. Some can haul one ton, some half a ton, while some trucks carry three-quarters of a ton. Ignoring the specified cargo capacity and overloading the vehicle causes stress on the truck’s mechanical components like suspension, brakes, and metal built. It also reduces the driver’s stopping power and may lead to tire blowouts. Those unaware of the load capacity can refer to the factory sticker on the vehicle’s body or look up the model details on the automaker’s website.

Not distributing cargo weight evenly
The pickup truck may lose balance if the cargo weight is not distributed uniformly throughout the trailer, especially during steep turns. Moreover, problems including tyre, wheel, axle, and structural failure can result from unequal weight distribution.

Not securing cargo properly
Moving unfastened cargo brings two disadvantages; it may distract the driver and cause the truck to fall over while making turns, leading to accidents. Whether the cargo is heavy or lightweight, securing it in place while the truck is running is important. Investing in truck racks, rear bars, toolboxes, non-skid bed liners, and side rails anchoring one’s load is also necessary, especially for frequent travelers. These items also enhance the safety and comfort of the truck.

Using an old rope to secure cargo
An old nylon rope may be the quickest choice to secure cargo, but it is also the riskiest. The rope is usually a weaker restraint and can send one’s stuff flying off the trailer. Bungee cords, ratchet straps, cargo nets, or tarpaulin are better alternatives to prevent the load from moving within the cargo space.

Placing heavy items at the back
Another error many pickup truck owners unintentionally make is placing heavier loads at the back. Doing so makes controlling and steering the truck difficult. Therefore, putting the heavier load closer to the cabin is advised.

Modifying to big lifts
Advanced tech allows a driver to upgrade and customize their pickup truck. But not all trucks are built to operate with a lifted suspension. A suspension lift may raise a vehicle’s height and improve off-road performance, but when added to a regular truck, it may impair its road-holding capacity. Additionally, lifted suspensions may strain the truck’s engine and drain more horsepower.

Changing off-road tires
Pickup trucks with huge off-road tires may look attractive but may not always be helpful. Large tires on pickup trucks may tread poorly on normal roads and perform considerably worse in rainy conditions. Unless one lives in an area experiencing a snowy climate, avoiding off-road tires is best.

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