Common peeing mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

Common peeing mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

The urinary system is an integral part of the body that helps to eliminate waste and excess fluids. Many people, however, make certain common urination mistakes that can harm their bladder health. It is important to maintain bladder health by avoiding these errors and seeking expert attention if there is any discomfort while urinating. Besides bladder health, it also benefits one’s general well-being. Here are six peeing mistakes to avoid to keep your bladder healthy.

Mistakes to avoid while peeing

Holding it in for too long
Holding urine for long periods can lead to urinary tract infections and other bladder-related issues. It can also cause bladder muscle stretching, which can impair bladder control. Therefore, it’s important to urinate as soon as the urge strikes and not to wait too long.

Rushing while peeing
Rushing through the urination process can also be bad for the bladder. Rushing through the process can result in incomplete bladder emptying, leaving behind leftover urine and causing infections and other bladder issues. Therefore, it is essential to wait and ensure the bladder is empty while peeing.

Not drinking enough water
Dehydration can cause concentrated urine which irritates the bladder lining and leads to infections and other bladder issues. Drinking enough water throughout the day helps the body filter toxins and maintain a healthy bladder.

Wiping incorrectly
Wiping incorrectly after using the restroom can result in bacterial infections in the genital area. It can result in urethral inflammation and a burning sensation. The urethra, a tube that transports urine from the bladder outside the body, can become inflamed, making it hard to control the urine flow. If the infection is not timely treated, it can progress to a urinary tract infection (UTI), which causes symptoms such as frequent urination, pain or burning during urination, and even incontinence (loss of bladder control).

Using harsh chemicals
Harsh chemicals found in beauty products, when used in the genital area, can irritate and inflame the delicate tissues surrounding the urethra, making urination difficult. Products like scented soaps, lotions, and hygiene sprays can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria and pH levels in the genital area, causing inflammation and irritation. In severe cases, the inflammation can cause urinary retention and the inability to empty the bladder. Therefore, it is critical to avoid harsh chemicals in the genital area and instead use gentle, unscented products.

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