Crohn’s disease – 8 foods to avoid

Crohn’s disease – 8 foods to avoid

Crohn’s is a common inflammatory bowel disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract. There are different forms of Crohn’s disease, and the symptoms generally vary depending on the location. Such a condition can be managed to improve one’s quality of life by combining prescriptions, treatments, and alternative remedies. Simple changes in daily nutrition can also help avoid flare-ups. Here are the common foods to avoid or have in moderation with Crohn’s disease.

Nuts with skin on
Crohn’s disease primarily affects the digestive system’s ability to process foods. So, food not rich in soluble fibers will put the system under pressure. Assorted nuts are foods that fall under this risk category, as people with Crohn’s disease will not be able to digest the healthy fats and nutrients when nuts are consumed raw. Nuts can also irritate the lining of the gut, causing pain and triggering flare-ups.

Unpeeled fruits
Fruits, in their natural and organic form, pack a ton of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are good for gut health and overall immunity. However, it becomes exceedingly difficult for the body to process raw fruits, especially with the peel on, when one is suffering from digestive distress caused by Crohn’s disease. One of the reasons is that the fruit’s pulp contains soluble fibers, but the fibers in the peel cannot be dissolved, making digestion a lot harder. This factor also applies to vegetables that can be eaten as they are too.

Spicy foods
Any foods and condiments that contain capsaicin, i.e., the compound that gives chilies their spice, is a strict no-no for those who suffer from severe Crohn’s disease. The extra heat can trigger abdominal cramps, shooting pains, and even vomiting as the body’s digestive tract struggles to process these foods. Some people can tolerate moderate spice levels, but if the symptoms worsen immediately upon eating, it is best to avoid them.

Whole grains
Having whole-wheat superfoods can be quite problematic for Crohn’s disease as the gluten found in them can wreak havoc on the digestive system. Barley, whole wheat bread and pasta, and rye products are hard to digest. If one already suffers from gluten intolerance, even a small portion of whole foods will trigger problems.

This food is one of the tasty sources of fiber and healthy fats, but at the same time, popcorn is hard to digest as it’s loaded with insoluble fibers. Also, popcorn without salt and butter is nearly impossible to eat. But adding these condiments also increases the risk of flare-ups among the common symptoms. Those with severe Crohn’s disease are put on a low-calorie, low-fat food regime. Nutritionists suggest substituting popcorn with any superfood.

Meat and dairy products
Not all meat is bad, but red and deli meat like sausages and cured cuts contain a higher fat content that is not good for digestion. These foods may also contain preservatives and compounds that trigger several gut-related complications. The lactose present in dairy products can trigger abdominal bloating and acidity. People who are already lactose intolerant should avoid full-fat milk, butter, cream, and margarine at all costs.

Fried and processed foods
Any foods fried in hydrogenated vegetable oils contain an unhealthy amount of fats that can trigger problems with existing digestive distress like Crohn’s. Also, processed foods bought off the supermarket shelves contain excess amounts of trans and saturated fats that are hard to digest. These foods also add no nutritional value and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cholesterol-related problems.

Caffeine and sugary drinks
Excess sugar in the bloodstream can worsen diarrhea, one of the most common symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease. Sugary intake should be moderated, even during periods of remission. The same restriction goes for coffee and other caffeinated beverages, as one might immediately experience cramping, bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea after a few sips. All these symptoms are linked to this digestive disorder, so these beverages need to be avoided.

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