Human foods that dogs can safely eat

Human foods that dogs can safely eat

Just like humans, good nutrition is crucial for the overall well-being and longevity of canines. Though some foods that you eat can harm your four-legged companions, many others are completely safe. In fact, some even contain an array of nutrients beneficial for your dog’s overall health. In this article, we’ve listed common human foods that are safe for dogs. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian before giving these foods to your dog.

Human foods that dogs can eat safely and easily

Fish is not only safe but extremely nutritious for dogs. Salmon and tuna, in particular, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help improve and maintain their immune system, coat, and skin. Remember, you must only give well-cooked fish to your dog, as undercooked or uncooked ones may contain harmful parasites.

Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, which plays a role in maintaining a dog’s immune system, fur, and skin. Their low-calorie content also makes a great snack. Besides, chewing on raw carrots helps remove plaque from your furry friend’s teeth.

Peanut butter
It’s not just humans who love this snack; dogs love peanut butter too. Peanut butter is a good protein source and it is also packed with heart-healthy fats, vitamin B and E, and niacin. However, it’s best to give them unsalted, sugar-free peanut butter and make sure it doesn’t contain a toxic additive called xylitol.

It’s one of the most common ingredients in dog foods and is an excellent source of protein. If you’re sharing chicken with your furry friend, make sure it’s cooked, boneless, and skinless, and without any spices or marinade.

This tiny fruit is delicious and loaded with a slew of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Thanks to the high level of fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, blueberries offer a range of health benefits to canines. Since they are small and low in calories, you can feed multiple blueberries to your dog at a time.

Eggs are also common human foods that are safe and healthful for dogs. Just one medium egg supplies loads of protein and a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals to your pet. Raw eggs contain infection-causing bacteria, such as salmonella, so you must only give cooked eggs to your dog.

Oatmeal is one of the best sources of fibers, which makes them perfect for dogs with bowel issues. It also contains many vitamins and minerals and is a great gluten-free alternative to wheat. However, flavored oatmeal can contain potentially harmful additives, so you should select a plain version.

Another safe and wholesome human food for dogs is yogurt. Besides being high in calcium and protein, some yogurt contains live bacteria called probiotics, which are beneficial to your dog’s digestive system. Go for plain probiotic yogurt instead of flavored varieties, as they’re typically full of sugar and other unhealthy additives.

Other than ensuring proper nutrition, it is also important to look after your pet’s fur and skin. These are usually prone to infestations by fleas and ticks. While there are prescriptions to eliminate these critters, you can also try some natural remedies at home to get rid of fleas and ticks. Some options include spraying diluted apple cider vinegar on their fur or giving them a lemon-infused bath. You could also apply coconut oil to your pet’s fur to curb these infestations.

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