Multiple sclerosis – Foods to avoid for managing the disorder

Multiple sclerosis – Foods to avoid for managing the disorder

Food is a significant factor that can either aggravate or help better manage multiple sclerosis. Some foods are labeled inflammatory as they increase the level of inflammation in the body, worsening symptoms like bladder and bowel problems, cognitive changes, and fatigue. They can even result in further progression of the condition. Therefore, patients must choose foods wisely and avoid anything that can aggravate the disorder besides making other lifestyle changes.

Saturated fats
Saturated fats are among the common triggers of multiple sclerosis symptoms. They can aggravate the condition and reduce the patient’s life expectancy. Saturated fats also increase LDL cholesterol levels in the body, which is the leading cause of diseases like heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis. Foods like red meat, cheese, and butter are some commonly known sources of saturated fats to steer clear of.

Sugary foods
Almost everyone knows the effects of adding sugary foods to the regular menu. It not only impacts oral hygiene but also causes changes in a person’s metabolism and other health indicators. Further, increased sugar intake can result in increased fatigue in patients. And since fatigue is already a common symptom of multiple sclerosis, sugar intake must be reduced. Not doing so can lead to decreased physical activity and further flare-ups. A few sugary foods and beverages to avoid are candy, cola, cakes, and cookies. Saying no to these can be challenging initially, but it goes a long way in improving the symptoms of this nervous system disorder.

Salty food
Salt can be equally damaging to multiple sclerosis patients if consumed in high quantities. Numerous research studies indicate that regular excessive salt intake is related to an increased risk of relapse of multiple sclerosis symptoms. High sodium levels can also lead to newer lesions and water retention in the body, resulting in bloating and discomfort. Further, it can lead to high blood pressure and thus other complications. Therefore, patients must be aware of the salt they add to their food and check the nutrition label of foods they buy off shelves, such as chips and canned items.

Cow’s milk
Milk is among the primary sources of saturated fat. Although a healthy food for many, its protein is said to impact multiple sclerosis patients negatively. It increases inflammation, especially in those who are lactose intolerant. Even small amounts of accidental intake of dairy products can trigger inflammatory responses, among other complications. However, it is okay to include milk and milk products in moderation for people who are fairly tolerant to lactose and dairy products. But, one must opt for low-fat dairy over full-fat to maintain a steady supply of vitamin D.

Refined carbohydrates
Cereals are among the worst foods for people with this nervous system disorder. Bread and potatoes are not far behind either and are best avoided for better symptom management. Rich in refined carbohydrates, these foods can cause blood sugar spikes, damaging the myelin sheath and contributing to the disease’s progression. It is advisable to swap refined carbohydrates for sources of stable carbs, such as white rice, whole wheat bread, and pasta.

Processed foods
Processed foods have chemical additives that contribute to their flavor and color and help impart a longer shelf life. These additives are responsible for various health problems. For instance, they are common contributors to a patient’s weakened immunity. Processed foods are also rich in trans fats. Since trans fats are known for their ability to increase the body’s inflammation levels, they must be avoided.

If unsure, patients can consult a doctor about developing a customized meal plan based on their condition. Besides food and lifestyle changes, healthcare intervention plays a big role in managing this disorder. It is especially true for patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis, characterized by deteriorating symptoms with intermediate periods of stability. To gain better control, doctors might recommend treatments to help control the disease and improve one’s quality of life.

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