Top 5 foods that fight bad breath

Top 5 foods that fight bad breath

Fresh breath is a sigh of relief, signifying good oral hygiene and the absence of dental conditions. Conversely, bad breath can indicate poor dental care, accumulation of bacteria on the tongue, and dry mouth. Certain types of foods can also aggravate bad breath and contribute to poor oral health. Besides using dentist-certified dental products and following good oral hygiene practices, adding the following foods to one’s meals can help prevent and eliminate bad breath.

Yogurt is packed with calcium, an essential element in reducing bad breath. Moreover, yogurt can help reduce the levels of hydrogen sulfide (a major contributor to bad breath) in the mouth. Thus, some yogurt or buttermilk after one’s daily meals can help fight bad breath.

The body requires vitamin C to prevent the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. Orange is one of the citrus fruits that is rich in vitamin C and can help prevent bad breath. One may consume oranges directly or in the form of fresh fruit juice, preferably fortified with vitamin C, to prevent bad breath.

An apple a day can not only keep the doctor but also bad breath away. A study demonstrated that apples can help alleviate the unpleasant odors caused by ingredients like onion and garlic. Moreover, apples are great sources of polyphenols, which prevent the production of bad bacteria in the mouth and control bad odor.

Fresh mint leaves
The mesmerizing fragrance of mint can instantly remedy bad breath. Chewing mint leaves, particularly after having certain odor-causing foods like garlic, onion, or spicy foods, can help conceal foul odor while facilitating the production of fresh saliva. Moreover, it helps cleanse the mouth at once and ensures long-term oral hygiene. One may also chew on other herbs like parsley and basil to fight bad breath.

Black tea
Black tea is rich in polyphenols, which prevent bacteria from multiplying in the mouth, thus reducing unpleasant odors and facilitating fresh breath. It is a good idea to have a cup of black tea alongside one’s breakfast to fight bad breath.

Besides having the above-mentioned foods that fight bad breath and following adequate oral hygiene practices, it is important to brush or floss thoroughly after having some odor-causing foods, such as onion, garlic, chilies, pasta sauce, and peanut butter. Regular professional teeth cleaning can also help with the prevention of tartar and bad breath.

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