An overview of high dividend ETF Funds
Dividend exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are primarily funds invested in stocks that have a high dividend payout history. Such stocks may either be domestic or international companies across various industries and sectors. Generally, high dividend payout histories are a feature of large blue-chip companies with lower risks. Working of an ETF ETFs are a basket of multiple stocks and are similar to mutual funds. However, the former types of funds are traded like individual stocks. ETFs also allow investors to gain wider exposure and are less risky as the holding companies are large and stable. When an individual invests in the shares of ABC Ltd., there is a risk if the price decreases. However, when he invests in an ETF, the risk of price decrease reduces, as the fund invests in several other stocks along with the shares of ABC Ltd. Investors who are contemplating investing in high dividend ETF funds need to consider the following four factors: Objective of the fund Not every dividend ETF invests in the same manner. Some of these funds may invest only in companies that have a history of increasing dividend payouts for a particular period. Alternatively, some other funds may invest in stocks of companies that pay the highest dividends.