7 poisonous houseplants to keep away from dogs
Flowers are known to accentuate the décor of your home. And many plants boast a variety of properties that can help treat topical allergies as well as infections. Some households have shrubs, creepers, herbs, and spices planted around their gardens. But if your house also has pets, it is necessary to keep toxic plants away from their reach for safety. Here are seven common household plants that are dangerous to have around pets. Aloe vera Aloe vera is rich in healing properties, and the gel is used for preparing topical applications. However, this plant is highly toxic for dogs as the gel upsets their stomach and can trigger nausea or vomiting. Sago palm This easy-growing indoor plant significantly improves home décor. However, if pets accidentally ingest the palm leaves, it can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, tremors, or even seizures. Fever is also a noticeable effect to look out for. Tulips Tulips are one of the most beautiful and decorative plants to have indoors. But the stem and the blooming flowers contain poisonous compounds that can upset your pet’s stomach. The bulbous parts trigger vomiting, excess drooling, and diarrhea. Allium plants Onion and garlic plants belong to the allium species.